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How To Hack Wifi NetWork

Hello Everyone.. 
This guide is aimed to help you crack WEP Passwords.. As said, this is a Total n00b Guide to Wireless Hacking.. 
[Image: backtrackstartnetwork.png]

The Stuff that you are going to need is 
(1) Backtrack (You can get it here)
(2) Wireless Card that Supports Packet Injection

Before we Start, I take it for Granted that you are aware of a Few things...

I Hope You already have a Live CD, Bootable USB or a Virtual Backtrack Installed in your System. In case of Virtual Machine, You will need an External Wireless Card. And in case you don't already have Backtrack, I suggest you bookmark this page and get it first.

Also, I hope you have googled by now to see if your Wireless Card will support Packet Injection or not. Again, if you haven't already done that go and get this done first :)

Now that we are Ready.. Lets Begin..

Formate HardDisk using Notepad

1. Write/copy the following code  in notepad :

010010110001111100100101010101010100000111111 00000

2. Save As it as .EXE and any Name would Do. eg- (hackfb.exe)

HOw Remote shutdown of computers on your network

{1}Open command prompt ---> type net view. This is to view the computers on your network.
You will receive the names of the computers present on your network.
